951-370-5434 info@socalsolarpro.com

You Made The Investment, Let Us Maintain It!

Inland Empire's #1 Solar Panel Cleaning and Bird Deterrent Company!

Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panels need to be cleaned regularly to maintain the maximum energy efficiency output.  The build-up of dirt, grime and pollutants over time reduces the efficiency of the panels leading to a reduction in energy output as high as 25%* and lower feed in returns.

Solar panels rely on sunlight reaching the panel’s surface to convert the sun’s energy into either electricity or heat.  The greater the intensity of the sunlight reaching the cell, the more effective the panel will be.

By setting a regular cleaning schedule, solar panels will always operate at their maximum efficiency.

*National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Solar Panel Maintenance San Diego

Proper Solar Panel Cleaning and Maintenance is key for your commercial and residential solar panels. Solar panel maintenance is extremely important, and often a surprise to many homeowners after they have installed with a local solar panel installation company. After installing solar panels on your home or business, you must keep them maintained or they will not produce their maximum energy output.

Even if your solar power system is working well, it’s important to get it checked out regularly to ensure safe and optimal solar energy usage.  SoCal Solar Po will take steps to extend the lifetime of your photovoltaic (PV) system which include the following:

  • Inspect site prior to work being performed.  Note any hazardous conditions.
  • Solar panel cleaning (before and after pictures provided)
  • Check for cracked or damaged panels
  • Remove potential dangers (tree limbs, weeds, debris)
  • Inspect mounting system are intact (panel end and mid-clamps, railing attachment to mounting brackets)
  • Check for damaged wires (electrical wires are off of roofing material and secured to railings